// -- Adobe GoLive JavaScript Library // -- Global Functions CSAg = window.navigator.userAgent; CSBVers = parseInt(CSAg.charAt(CSAg.indexOf("/")+1),10); CSIsW3CDOM = ((document.getElementById) && !(IsIE()&&CSBVers<6)) ? true : false; function IsIE() { return CSAg.indexOf("MSIE") > 0;} function CSIEStyl(s) { return document.all.tags("div")[s].style; } function CSNSStyl(s) { if (CSIsW3CDOM) return document.getElementById(s).style; else return CSFindElement(s,0); } CSIImg=false; function CSInitImgID() {if (!CSIImg && document.images) { for (var i=0; i" ) res = (CSStateArray[action[1]] > action[2]); else if(op == ">=") res = (CSStateArray[action[1]] >= action[2]); else if(op == "<" ) res = (CSStateArray[action[1]] < action[2]); else if(op == "<=") res = (CSStateArray[action[1]] <= action[2]); return res; } CSLoopIsRunning = false; CSFctArray = new Array; CSTimeoutID = null; function CSLoop() { CSLoopIsRunning = false; for (i=0;i=5) return (new CSRect(0,0,parseInt(el.style.width),parseInt(el.style.height))); else return (new CSRect(el.clip.left,el.clip.top,el.clip.width,el.clip.height)); } function CSSetLayerClip (el,clipRect) { var l,t,r,b; l=clipRect.left; t=clipRect.top; r=l+clipRect.width; b=t+clipRect.height; if(el.isIE) { el.style.clip = "rect("+ t + " " + r + " " + b + " " + l + ")"; } else if (CSBVers>=5) el.style.clip = "rect("+ t + "px, " + r + "px, " + b + "px, " + l + "px)"; else { el.clip.left=l; el.clip.top=t; el.clip.width=clipRect.width; el.clip.height=clipRect.height; } CSSetStyleVis(el.layer); } function CSRect (left,top,width,height) { this.left=left; this.top=top; this.width=width; this.height=height; } function CSCreateTransElement (layer, steps) { var el; if (IsIE()) el=document.all.tags("div")[layer]; else if (CSBVers>=5) el=document.getElementById(layer); else el=CSNSStyl(layer); if (el==null) return null; if (el.locked && (el.locked == true)) return null; el.isIE=IsIE(); el.clipRect=CSGetLayerClip(el); if (el.clipRect==null) return null; el.maxValue=steps; if (el.maxValue<=0) el.maxValue=30; el.modus=""; el.layer=layer; el.width=el.clipRect.width; el.height=el.clipRect.height; el.locked = true; return el; } function CSDisposeTransElement (el) { el.locked = false; } function CSMoveLoop(fInf) { var ticks = 60 * (((new Date()).getTime()) - fInf.data.startTime)/1000; var f = ticks/fInf.data.ticks; if (f < 1) { CSSetStylePos(fInf.data.layer,0,fInf.data.start[0] * (1-f) + fInf.data.end[0] * f); CSSetStylePos(fInf.data.layer,1,fInf.data.start[1] * (1-f) + fInf.data.end[1] * f); return true; } else { CSSetStylePos(fInf.data.layer,0,fInf.data.end[0]); CSSetStylePos(fInf.data.layer,1,fInf.data.end[1]); } return false; } function CSSlideObj (layer,start,end,ticks,startTime) { this.layer=layer;this.start=start;this.end=end;this.ticks=ticks;this.startTime=startTime; } function CSSlideLayer(l,pos,anim,ticks) { var x = pos[0]; var y = pos[1]; if (l == '') return; if (!anim) { CSSetStylePos(l,0,x); CSSetStylePos(l,1,y); } else { var fctData = new CSSlideObj(l,new Array(CSGetStylePos(l,0),CSGetStylePos(l,1)),new Array(x,y),ticks,(new Date()).getTime()); CSStartFunction(CSMoveLoop,fctData); } } function CSScriptInit() { if(typeof(skipPage) != "undefined") { if(skipPage) return; } idxArray = new Array; for(var i=0;i= 6) && (d.getElementById)) {initImgID; return(d.getElementById(n))}; var cd = ly ? ly.document : d; var elem = cd[n]; if (!elem) { for (var i=0;i= 0) && (bAgent.indexOf("Mozilla/3") >= 0) && (bAgent.indexOf("Mac") >= 0)) return true; // dont follow link else return false; // dont follow link } function CSButtonReturn () { return !CSClickReturn(); } function CSBrowserSwitch(action) { var bAgent = window.navigator.userAgent; var bAppName = window.navigator.appName; var isNS = (bAppName.indexOf("Netscape") >= 0); var isIE = (bAppName.indexOf("Explorer") >= 0); var isWin = (bAgent.indexOf("Win") >= 0); var isMac = (bAgent.indexOf("Mac") >= 0); var vers = 0; var versIdx = (bAgent.indexOf("Mozilla/")); if(versIdx >= 0) { var sstr = bAgent.substring(versIdx + 8, versIdx + 9); vers = parseInt(sstr) - 2; } var url = action[1]; var platform = action[2]; var versVec; if(platform) { if(isNS && isMac) versVec = action[3]; if(isIE && isMac) versVec = action[5]; if(isNS && isWin) versVec = action[4]; if(isIE && isWin) versVec = action[6]; } else { if(isNS) versVec = action[3]; if(isIE) versVec = action[4]; } if(vers > (versVec.length-1)) vers = versVec.length-1; if(versVec[vers] == 0) { location = url; CSStopExecution = true; } } function CSURLPopupShow(formName, popupName, target) { var form = (!IsIE()&&CSBVers>=5)?document.forms[formName]:CSFindElement(formName); var popup = form.elements[popupName]; window.open(popup.options[popup.selectedIndex].value, target); popup.selectedIndex = 0; } function CSSetStyleDepth(s,depth) { if (CSIsW3CDOM)document.getElementById(s).style.zIndex=depth; else if (IsIE())CSIEStyl(s).zIndex=depth; else CSNSStyl(s).zIndex=depth; } function CSGetStyleDepth(s) { if (CSIsW3CDOM){CSIDOM();return document.getElementById(s).style.zIndex;} else if (IsIE())return (CSIEStyl(s).zIndex); else return (CSNSStyl(s).zIndex); } CSSeqArray = new Array; function CSSeqActionFct(seq,loopCount,continueLoop) { if ((seq.loop < 2) || ((loopCount % 2) != 0)) { for (var i=0;i 1) && (seq.actions[3*i + 1] < seq.start)) continue; if (seq.actions[3*i + 2] < loopCount) { seq.actions[3*i + 2] = loopCount; CSLoopIsRunning = true; CSAction(new Array(seq.actions[3*i + 0])); continueLoop = true; } } else { continueLoop = true; break; } } } else { for (var i=seq.actionCount-1;i>=0;i--) { if (seq.actions[3*i + 1] > seq.frame) { if (seq.actions[3*i + 1] > seq.end) continue; if (seq.actions[3*i + 2] < loopCount) { seq.actions[3*i + 2] = loopCount; CSLoopIsRunning = true; CSAction(new Array(seq.actions[3*i + 0])); continueLoop = true; } } else { continueLoop = true; break; } } } return continueLoop; } function CSSeqFunction(fctInfo) { var seq = fctInfo.data; var oldFrame = seq.frame; var newTicks = (new Date()).getTime(); seq.frame = Math.round((seq.fps * (newTicks - seq.startTicks)/1000.0) - 0.5); var continueLoop = false; var loopCount = 1; if (seq.loop > 0) { continueLoop = true; if (seq.loop == 1) { var iv = (seq.end - seq.start); var f = Math.round(((seq.frame - seq.start) / iv) - 0.5); if (f < 0) f = 0; loopCount = f+1; seq.frame = seq.start + ((seq.frame - seq.start) % (seq.end - seq.start)); } else { var iv = (seq.end - seq.start); var f = Math.round(((seq.frame - seq.start) / iv) - 0.5); if (f < 0) f = 0; loopCount = f+1; f = (seq.frame - seq.start) % (2 * iv); if (f > iv) f = 2*iv - f; seq.frame = seq.start + f; } } continueLoop = CSSeqActionFct(seq,loopCount,continueLoop); for (var i=0;i seq.frame) { partIdx = k; partCount = seq.frame - lastCount; break; } lastCount = frameCount; } if (partIdx < track.parts.ticks.length) { var type=track.parts.moveType[partIdx]; if(type==1) CSSetLinearPos (track, partIdx, partCount); else if(type==2) CSSetCurvePos (track, partIdx, partCount); else if(type==3) if (oldFrame != seq.frame) CSSetRandomPos (track, partIdx, partCount); else { x = CSGetStylePos(track.layer,0); y = CSGetStylePos(track.layer,1); } CSSetStyleVis(track.layer,track.parts.visibilities[partIdx]); CSSetStyleDepth(track.layer,track.parts.depths[partIdx]); continueLoop = true; } else { var partIdx = track.parts.moveType.length-1; var posArray = track.parts.positions; var x = posArray[partIdx * 6 + 0]; var y = posArray[partIdx * 6 + 1]; CSSetStylePos(track.layer,0,x); CSSetStylePos(track.layer,1,y); CSSetStyleVis(track.layer,track.parts.visibilities[partIdx]); CSSetStyleDepth(track.layer,track.parts.depths[partIdx]); } } return continueLoop; } function CSSetLinearPos (track, partIdx, partCount) { var curTicks = track.parts.ticks[partIdx]; var pIdx1 = partIdx * 6; var pIdx2 = (partIdx+1) * 6; var posArray = track.parts.positions; var x = posArray[pIdx1 + 0]; var y = posArray[pIdx1 + 1]; var x1,x2,y1,y2; var factor = partCount/curTicks; x1 = x; y1 = y; x2 = posArray[pIdx2 + 0]; y2 = posArray[pIdx2 + 1]; x = x1 * (1-factor) + x2 * factor; y = y1 * (1-factor) + y2 * factor; CSSetStylePos(track.layer,0,x); CSSetStylePos(track.layer,1,y); } function CSSetCurvePos (track, partIdx, partCount) { var curTicks = track.parts.ticks[partIdx]; var pIdx1 = partIdx * 6; var pIdx2 = (partIdx+1) * 6; var posArray = track.parts.positions; var x = posArray[pIdx1 + 0]; var y = posArray[pIdx1 + 1]; var x1,x2,x3,x4,y1,y2,y3,y4; var factor = partCount/curTicks; var t = factor; var u = t * t; var v = u * t; var val1 = 3*(u-t) - v + 1; var val2 = 3*(v+t - 2*u); var val3 = 3*(u-v); var val4 = v; x1 = x; y1 = y; x2 = posArray[pIdx1 + 2]; y2 = posArray[pIdx1 + 3]; x3 = posArray[pIdx1 + 4]; y3 = posArray[pIdx1 + 5]; x4 = posArray[pIdx2 + 0]; y4 = posArray[pIdx2 + 1]; x = x1 * val1 + x2 * val2 + x3 * val3 + x4 * val4; y = y1 * val1 + y2 * val2 + y3 * val3 + y4 * val4; CSSetStylePos(track.layer,0,x); CSSetStylePos(track.layer,1,y); } function CSSetRandomPos (track, partIdx, partCount) { var curTicks = track.parts.ticks[partIdx]; var pIdx1 = partIdx * 6; var pIdx2 = (partIdx+1) * 6; var posArray = track.parts.positions; var x = posArray[pIdx1 + 0]; var y = posArray[pIdx1 + 1]; var x1,x2,y1,y2; var factor = partCount/curTicks; x1 = x; y1 = y; x2 = posArray[pIdx2 + 0]; y2 = posArray[pIdx2 + 1]; var factorx = Math.random(); var factory = Math.random(); x = x1 * (1-factorx) + x2 * factorx; y = y1 * (1-factory) + y2 * factory; CSSetStylePos(track.layer,0,x); CSSetStylePos(track.layer,1,y); } function CSStartSeq(name) { var seq = CSGetScene(name); var date = new Date() seq.startTicks = date.getTime() for (var i=0;i 0) { if (confirm("\nPassword is incorrect.\n\n\n\nRetry?")) Check() } else alert('Access Denied'); } function Check(){ pass = prompt("Enter your password.","") if(pass==null || pass==""){ alert("You did not enter a password!"); if(pass==""){ Check() } } else{ var lpass=(pass.length)+1 for (l=1; l'; var type=action[1]; if(type==0 && os=="mac" && browser=="NN" && version==4) { document.write(tag) } else if(type==1 && os=="mac" && browser=="NN" && version==5) { document.write(tag) } else if(type==2 && os=="windows" && browser=="NN" && version==4) { document.write(tag) } else if(type==3 && os=="windows" && browser=="NN" && version==5) { document.write(tag) } else if(type==4 && os=="unix" && browser=="NN" && version==4) { document.write(tag) } else if(type==5 && os=="unix" && browser=="NN" && version==5) { document.write(tag) } else if(type==6 && os=="mac" && browser=="IE") { document.write(tag) } else if(type==7 && os=="windows" && browser=="IE") { document.write(tag) } } function CSPDFredirect(action) { if(navigator.mimeTypes && navigator.mimeTypes["application/pdf"] && navigator.mimeTypes["application/pdf"].enabledPlugin) { location.href=action[1] } else if (navigator.appName == "Microsoft Internet Explorer") { x = confirm("The page you are trying to view requires the Adobe Portable Document Format (.PDF) browser plug-in or the Adobe Acrobat Reader application. We could not detect if your browser has this plug-in installed. To attempt to view the page anyway, click OK. Otherwise click CANCEL to view an alternate page") if (x == true) location.href=action[1] } else { x = confirm("Your browser may not be able to display PDF files. To attempt to view the PDF page anyway, click OK. Otherwise click CANCEL to view an alternate page") if (x == true) location.href=action[1] } } function CSSVGredirect(action){ if(navigator.mimeTypes && navigator.mimeTypes["image/svg-xml"] && navigator.mimeTypes["image/svg-xml"].enabledPlugin ) { location.href=action[1] } else if (navigator.appName == "Microsoft Internet Explorer") { x = confirm("The page you are trying to view requires the Adobe Scaling Vector Graphics (.SVG) browser plug-in. We could not detect if your browser has this plug-in installed. To attempt to view the page anyway, click OK. Otherwise click CANCEL to view an alternate page") if (x == true) location.href=action[1] } else if(action[2] == true) { alert(action[3]) } } function CSSWFredirect(action) { if(navigator.mimeTypes && navigator.mimeTypes["application/x-shockwave-flash"] && navigator.mimeTypes["application/x-shockwave-flash"].enabledPlugin) { location.href=action[1] } else if (navigator.appName == "Microsoft Internet Explorer") { x = confirm("The page you are trying to view requires the Macromedia Flash (.SWF) browser plug-in. We could not detect if your browser has this plug-in installed. To attempt to view the page anyway, click OK. Otherwise click CANCEL to view an alternate page") if (x == true) location.href=action[1] } else if(action[2] == true) { alert(action[3]) } } function CSOpenWindow(action) { var wf = ""; wf = wf + "width=" + action[3]; wf = wf + ",height=" + action[4]; wf = wf + ",resizable=" + (action[5] ? "yes" : "no"); wf = wf + ",scrollbars=" + (action[6] ? "yes" : "no"); wf = wf + ",menubar=" + (action[7] ? "yes" : "no"); wf = wf + ",toolbar=" + (action[8] ? "yes" : "no"); wf = wf + ",directories=" + (action[9] ? "yes" : "no"); wf = wf + ",location=" + (action[10] ? "yes" : "no"); wf = wf + ",status=" + (action[11] ? "yes" : "no"); window.open(action[1],action[2],wf); } function CSCloseWindow() { if (self.parent.frames.length != 0) { self.parent.close() } else { window.close() } } function CSOpenWindowPrompt(action) { var where = self.location.href var nw = prompt("Enter a new width:","") if (nw != null) { var nh = prompt("Enter a new height:","") } var wf = ""; wf = wf + "width=" + nw; wf = wf + ",height=" + nh; wf = wf + ",resizable=" + (action[1] ? "yes" : "no"); wf = wf + ",scrollbars=" + (action[2] ? "yes" : "no"); wf = wf + ",menubar=" + (action[3] ? "yes" : "no"); wf = wf + ",toolbar=" + (action[4] ? "yes" : "no"); wf = wf + ",directories=" + (action[5] ? "yes" : "no"); wf = wf + ",location=" + (action[6] ? "yes" : "no"); wf = wf + ",status=" + (action[7] ? "yes" : "no"); if (nw == null || nh == null) { return null } else { window.open(where,'testwin',wf); } } function CSKeePress(action) { desiredKey1 = action[1]; calledAction1 = action[2]; desiredKey2 = action[3]; calledAction2 = action[4]; desiredKey3 = action[5]; calledAction3 = action[6]; desiredKey4 = action[7]; calledAction4 = action[8]; if (document.layers) { document.captureEvents(Event.KEYPRESS) ; } document.onkeydown = checkKey; function checkKey(e) { e = (e) ? e : (window.event) ? window.event : ""; if (e) { var keyPressed = "" if (e.which) keyPressed = e.which; else keyPressed = event.keyCode; alphaNum = String.fromCharCode(keyPressed).toLowerCase(); if (desiredKey1 == alphaNum) { CSAction(new Array(calledAction1)) }; if (desiredKey2 == alphaNum) { CSAction(new Array(calledAction2)) }; if (desiredKey3 == alphaNum) { CSAction(new Array(calledAction3)) }; if (desiredKey4 == alphaNum) { CSAction(new Array(calledAction4)) }; } } checkKey(); } function CSSlideNewWindow(action) { var wh = "" if (action[7] || action[8] || action[9] == true) wh=action[4]-125 else wh = action[4] var wf = ""; wf = wf + "width=" + action[3]; wf = wf + ",height=" + wh; wf = wf + ",resizable=" + (action[5] ? "yes" : "no"); wf = wf + ",scrollbars=" + (action[6] ? "yes" : "no"); wf = wf + ",menubar=" + (action[7] ? "yes" : "no"); wf = wf + ",toolbar=" + (action[8] ? "yes" : "no"); wf = wf + ",directories=" + (action[9] ? "yes" : "no"); wf = wf + ",location=" + (action[10] ? "yes" : "no"); wf = wf + ",status=" + (action[11] ? "yes" : "no"); if(navigator.appVersion.charAt(0) >=4) { var sw=screen.width-20; var sh=screen.height; var newwidth=action[3]; var newheight=action[4]; var positionleft=(sw-newwidth)/2; var positiontop="" if (action[7] || action[8] || action[9] == true) positiontop=(sh-newheight)/3; positiontop=(sh-newheight)/2.5; } newwindow=window.open(action[1],action[2],wf); newwindow.focus() if(navigator.appVersion.charAt(0) >=4) { for(width1 = 1 ; width1 < positionleft ; width1 = width1 + 10) newwindow.moveTo(width1,positiontop) } } function CSPakRemote(action) { if (TRversion()) { if (action[2].length < 1) { opener.location.href=action[1]; } else { opener.parent.frames[action[2]].location.href=action[1]; } } return; } function TRversion() { return (navigator.appName.indexOf("Netscape") >= 0 && parseInt(navigator.appVersion.charAt(0)) >= 3) || (navigator.appName.indexOf("Explorer") >= 0 && parseInt(navigator.appVersion.charAt(0)) >= 3); } function initArray() { this.length = initArray.arguments.length; for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) this[i+1] = initArray.arguments[i]; } function dailyRedirect(action) { var dateArray = new initArray("Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday","Friday","Saturday","Sunday"); var today = new Date(); var day = dateArray[today.getDay()]; if (today.getDay() == 0) { day = "Sunday"; } if (day == "Monday" && action[1] != "(Empty Reference!)" && action[1] != "(EmptyReference!)") window.location = action[1] if (day == "Tuesday" && action[2] != "(Empty Reference!)" && action[2] != "(EmptyReference!)") window.location = action[2] if (day == "Wednesday" && action[3] != "(Empty Reference!)" && action[3] != "(EmptyReference!)") window.location = action[3] if (day == "Thursday" && action[4] != "(Empty Reference!)" && action[4] != "(EmptyReference!)") window.location = action[4] if (day == "Friday" && action[5] != "(Empty Reference!)" && action[5] != "(EmptyReference!)") window.location = action[5] if (day == "Saturday" && action[6] != "(Empty Reference!)" && action[6] != "(EmptyReference!)") window.location = action[6] if (day == "Sunday" && action[7] != "(Empty Reference!)" && action[7] != "(EmptyReference!)") window.location = action[7] } function CStextswapID(action) { (action[2] != "") ? (updateobject = action[2]) : (updateobject = action[1]); (action[5] == true) ? (whichfunction = "disappear()") : (whichfunction = "revert()"); if(document.all) { originaltext = document.all(updateobject).innerHTML }; if(document.getElementById) { originaltext = document.getElementById(updateobject).innerHTML}; timeout = (action[4] != "") ? (action[4] * 1000) : 0; if(document.getElementById) { originaltext = document.getElementById(updateobject).innerHTML}; timeout = (action[4] != "") ? (action[4] * 1000) : 0; if (document.all) { document.all(updateobject).innerHTML = action[6] + action[3] + action[7]; if (timeout != 0) setTimeout(whichfunction,timeout); } else { if (document.getElementById) { document.getElementById(updateobject).innerHTML = action[6] + action[3] + action[7]; if (timeout != 0) setTimeout(whichfunction,timeout) } } } function disappear() { if (document.all) { document.all(updateobject).innerHTML = "
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if(fileName!=sName) { location=sName; } } } } } function CSRandomLinks(action){ var urlcounter = 0; if (action[2] != "(Empty Reference!)" && action[2] != "(EmptyReference!)") { ++urlcounter}; if (action[3] != "(Empty Reference!)" && action[3] != "(EmptyReference!)") { ++urlcounter}; if (action[4] != "(Empty Reference!)" && action[4] != "(EmptyReference!)") { ++urlcounter}; if (action[5] != "(Empty Reference!)" && action[5] != "(EmptyReference!)") { ++urlcounter}; if (action[6] != "(Empty Reference!)" && action[6] != "(EmptyReference!)") { ++urlcounter}; if (action[7] != "(Empty Reference!)" && action[7] != "(EmptyReference!)") { ++urlcounter}; if (parent.frames.length > 0) { if (action[1].length > 0) { parent.frames[action[1]].location=action[Math.floor(Math.random()*urlcounter)+2] } } else if (action[1].length > 0) { window.open(action[Math.floor(Math.random()*urlcounter)+2],action[1],"") } if (action[1].length == 0) { top.location=action[Math.floor(Math.random()*urlcounter)+2] } } function getCookie(thecookie){ tempString= thecookie + "="; if(document.cookie.length>0){ start = document.cookie.indexOf(tempString); if(start!=-1){ end = document.cookie.indexOf(";",start); if(end==-1){end=document.cookie.length;} start += tempString.length; return unescape(document.cookie.substring(start,end)) } } } function setCookie(thecookie,value,expire){ cookieExpires = new Date cookieExpires.setMonth(cookieExpires.getMonth() + 6) document.cookie = thecookie + "=" + escape(value) + ";expires=" + cookieExpires.toGMTString(); } function testCookie(thecookie){ if(getCookie(thecookie)){ return(getCookie(thecookie)); }else{ return false; } } function CSredPrompt(action) { var thecookie = action[5] if(testCookie(action[5]) && action[4] == true){ location.href=getCookie(action[5]); } else { var x = 0; } function kill() { alert(action[3]); x = 1; var enter = prompt(action[1],action[2]); if (enter == action[6]){setCookie(action[5], action[7]);location.href=action[7];} else if (enter == action[8]){setCookie(action[5], action[9]);location.href=action[9];} else if (enter == action[10]){setCookie(action[5], action[11]);location.href=action[11];} else if (enter == action[12]){setCookie(action[5], action[13]);location.href=action[13];} else if (enter == action[15]){setCookie(action[5], action[16]);location.href=action[16];} else if (enter == action[2]){kill();} else if (enter == null) return else kill() } if (x == 0) { var enter = prompt(action[1],action[2]); if (enter == action[6]){setCookie(action[5], action[7]);location.href=action[7];} else if (enter == action[8]){setCookie(action[5], action[9]);location.href=action[9];} else if (enter == action[10]){setCookie(action[5], action[11]);location.href=action[11];} else if (enter == action[12]){setCookie(action[5], action[13]);location.href=action[13];} else if (enter == action[14]){setCookie(action[5], action[15]);location.href=action[15];} else if (enter == action[2]){kill();} else if (enter == null) return else kill() } } function WBConfirmLink(action) { if (checkIt(action)) { if (action[2] != "(Empty Reference!)" && action[2] != "(EmptyReference!)") { if (action[3].length < 1) { parent.location.href=action[2]; } else { parent.frames[action[3]].location.href=action[2]; } } } return; } function checkIt(action) { var carryOn = window.confirm(action[1]); return carryOn; } function CSGotoLink(action) { if (action[2].length) { var hasFrame=false; for(i=0;i= 12) { timeValue = timeValue - 12; } // deals with 24-hour time if (action[2] == true) { timeValue += 12; 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if (img) { var v1 = Math.floor(Math.random() * 10); var whichone = v1-(Math.floor(v1/3)*3); img.src = action[whichone+2]; } } function CSSetImageURL(action) { var img=CSGetImage(action[1]); if (img) img.src=action[2]; } CSImages=new Array(); function CSPreloadImage(action) { if (document.images) { CSImages[CSImages.length]=new Image(); CSImages[CSImages.length-1].src=action[1]; } } function CSFieldValidate(action) { var form = action[1]; var elem = action[2]; var theEntry = document.forms[form].elements[elem].value var theFormElem = document.forms[form].elements[elem] var badEntry = "" function theAlert () { alert(action[6]); theFormElem.select(); theFormElem.focus(); } function isEmpty() { if (theEntry == "") { theAlert() } } function isNumber() { if (theEntry == "") { theAlert() } for (i=0; i "9") { badEntry = "notnumber" } } if (badEntry == "notnumber") { theAlert() } } function isAlpha() { if (theEntry == "") { theAlert() } for (i=0; i= "0" && theEntry.charAt(i) <= "9") { badEntry = "notalpha" } } if (badEntry == "notalpha") { theAlert() } } function requiredChars() { numofChars = theEntry.length if (numofChars != action[4]) { theAlert() } } function exactString() { if (theEntry != action[5]) { theAlert() } } function validEmail() { invalidChars = " /:,;" if (theEntry == "") { badEntry = "badEmail" } for (i=0; i < 5; i++) { badChar = invalidChars.charAt(i) if (theEntry.indexOf(badChar,0) > -1) { badEntry = "badEmail" } } atsignLoc = theEntry.indexOf("@",1) if (atsignLoc == -1) { badEntry = "badEmail" } if (theEntry.indexOf("@",atsignLoc+1) > -1) { badEntry = "badEmail" } dotLoc = theEntry.indexOf(".",atsignLoc) if (dotLoc == -1) { badEntry = "badEmail" } if (dotLoc+3 > theEntry.length) { badEntry = "badEmail" } if (badEntry == "badEmail") { theAlert() } } function validCC() { var theNumber = new Array(theEntry.length); var i = 0 var total = 0 for (i = 0; i < theEntry.length; ++i) { theNumber[i] = parseInt(theEntry.charAt(i)) } for (i = theNumber.length -2; i >= 0; i-=2) { theNumber[i] *= 2; if (theNumber[i] > 9) theNumber[i]-=9; } for (i = 0; i < theNumber.length; ++i) { total += theNumber[i]; } isinteger = total/10 if(parseInt(isinteger)!=isinteger) { theAlert() } } var type=action[3]; if(type==0) isEmpty() else if(type==1) isNumber() else if(type==2) isAlpha() else if(type==3) requiredChars() else if(type==4) exactString() else if(type==5) validEmail() else if(type==6) validCC() } function CSGetFormElementValue(action) { var form = action[1]; var elem = action[2]; return document.forms[form].elements[elem].value; } function CSGetLayerPos(action) { var layer = action[1]; var x = CSGetStylePos(layer, 0); var y = CSGetStylePos(layer, 1); return new Array(x, y); } function CSDeleteCookie(action) { var name=action[1] var value=action[2] var jours=-12000 path="/" domain=null var expdate = new Date (); expdate.setTime (expdate.getTime() + (jours * 60 * 60 * 1000)); SetCookie(name,value,expdate) } function SetCookie (name, value) { var argv = SetCookie.arguments; var argc = SetCookie.arguments.length; var expires = (argc > 2) ? argv[2] : null; var secure = (argc > 5) ? argv[5] : false; document.cookie = name + "=" + escape (value) + ((expires == null) ? "" : ("; expires=" + expires.toGMTString())) + ((path == null) ? "" : ("; path=" + path)) + ((domain == null) ? "" : ("; domain=" + domain)) + ((secure == true) ? "; secure" : ""); } function CSvisits(action) { mycookie = action[8] cookieExpires = new Date cookieExpires.setMonth(cookieExpires.getMonth() + 12) visits = eval(cookieVal(mycookie)) visits++ document.cookie = mycookie+"="+visits+";expires=" + cookieExpires.toGMTString() function cookieVal(cookieName) { thisCookie = document.cookie.split("; ") for (i=0; i 2) ? argv[2] : null; var secure = (argc > 5) ? argv[5] : false; document.cookie = cookiename + "=" + escape (value) + ((expires == null) ? "" : ("; expires=" + expires.toGMTString())) + ((path == null) ? "" : ("; path=" + path)) + ((domain == null) ? "" : ("; domain=" + domain)) + ((secure == true) ? "; secure" : ""); } var CSLastSound = null function CSPlaySound(action) { if (eval('document.'+action[1])!=null) { if (CSLastSound != null && CSLastSound != action[1]) eval ('document.' + CSLastSound + '.stop()'); CSLastSound = action[1] if (window.navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE") > 0) eval ('document.' + CSLastSound + '.run()'); else eval ('document.' + CSLastSound + '.play(true)'); } else { alert ("The current Plug-In cannot be controlled by JavaScript. Please try using LiveAudio or a compatible Plug-In!"); } } function CSStopSound (action) {if (eval('document.'+action[1])!=null) { eval ('document.' + action[1] + '.stop()');}} function CSPlayScene(action) { CSStartSeq (action[1]); } function CSStopScene(action) { CSStopFunction (action[1]); } SSnumimg=1; SSsens2=-1;SSsens3=-1 function CSSlideShow(action) { SSmax=action[2] SSimgNom=action[1] SSloop=action[4] SSsens=action[3] SSpalin=action[5] var SSimg = null; if (document.images) { if (!IsIE()&&CSBVers<5) SSimg = CSFindElement(SSimgNom,0); else SSimg = document.images[SSimgNom]; SSstr=SSimg.src SSn=SSstr.length SSp=SSn-6 SSpstr=SSstr.substring(0,SSp) SSnimg=SSstr.substring(SSp,SSp+2) SSformat=SSstr.substring(SSp+2,SSn) if (SSformat==".jpg" || SSformat==".JPG" || SSformat==".gif" || SSformat==".GIF") {} else { alert("Image extension must be .jpg or .gif (case sensitive). Images must be numbered 01, 02 ...") } slide(SSmax,SSformat,SSpstr,SSnimg,SSimgNom,SSloop,SSpalin) } } function slide(SSmax,SSformat,SSpstr,SSnimg,SSimgNom,SSloop,SSpalin) { if (SSsens2==true) {SSsens=true} if (SSsens2==false) {SSsens=false} if (SSsens==true) { SSsuite=SSnumimg-1 if (SSnumimg>SSmax)SSsuite=SSmax if (SSnumimg<=1 & SSloop==true & SSpalin!=true) { SSsuite=SSmax } if (SSnumimg<=1 & SSloop==true & SSpalin==true) { if (SSsens2==-1 & SSsens3==-1) {SSsuite=SSmax;SSsens3=1} else { SSsuite=SSnumimg+1; SSsens2=false }} if (SSnumimg<=1 & SSloop!=true & SSpalin!=true) { if (SSsens2==-1 & SSsens3==-1) { SSsuite=SSmax;SSsens3=1 } else {SSsuite=SSnumimg; SSfini()}} } else { SSmax=SSmax-1 SSsuite=SSnumimg+1 if (SSnumimg>SSmax & SSloop==true & SSpalin!=true) { SSsuite=1} if (SSnumimg>SSmax & SSloop==true & SSpalin==true) {SSsuite=SSnumimg-1; SSsens2=true } if (SSnumimg>SSmax & SSloop!=true & SSpalin!=true) { SSsuite=SSnumimg;SSfini() } if (SSnumimg<1) SSsuite=1 } SSnumimg=SSsuite if (SSsuite<10) { SSaller="0"+SSsuite } else SSaller=SSsuite SSsource=SSpstr+SSaller+SSformat var SSimg = null; if (document.images) { if (!IsIE()&&CSBVers<5) SSimg = CSFindElement(SSimgNom,0); else SSimg = document.images[SSimgNom]; if (SSimg) SSimg.src = SSsource; } } function SSfini() { } var gCSIEDragObject = null; var gDragX,gDragY; function CSSetupDrag (layerName) { this.x = 0; this.y = 0; if (IsIE()) { this.canDrag=true; this.layerObj=document.all.tags("div")[layerName]; this.layerObj.dragObj = this; document.ondragstart = CSIEStartDrag; document.onmousedown = CSIEMouseDown; document.onmouseup = CSIEStopDrag; } else { if (CSBVers>=5) { this.layerObj=document.getElementById(layerName); this.layerObj.addEventListener("mousedown", CSNS6StartDrag, true); this.layerObj.addEventListener("mouseup", CSNS6StopDrag, true); } else { this.layer=CSNSStyl(layerName);this.onmousemove=null; this.layer.document.theLayer=this; this.layer.document.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEDOWN); this.layer.document.onmousedown=CSNSStartDrag; this.layer.document.onmouseup=CSNSStopDrag; } } } function CSNS6StartDrag (ev) { CSIDOM(); ev.currentTarget.addEventListener("mousemove", CSNS6DoDrag, true); gDragX=ev.clientX; gDragY=ev.clientY; ev.preventDefault(); } function CSNS6DoDrag (ev) { var style=ev.currentTarget.style; style.left = parseInt(style.left)+(ev.clientX-gDragX)+"px"; style.top = parseInt(style.top)+(ev.clientY-gDragY)+"px"; gDragX=ev.clientX; gDragY=ev.clientY; } function CSNS6StopDrag (ev) { ev.target.removeEventListener("mousedown", CSNS6StartDrag, true); ev.target.removeEventListener("mouseup", CSNS6StopDrag, true); ev.currentTarget.removeEventListener("mousemove", CSNS6DoDrag, true); ev.preventDefault(); } function CSNSStartDrag (ev) { var clickInMe = false; if (ev.target != this) { for (var i=0;i=5) { leftH = ".left"; topV = ".top"; nndoc = "document.getElementById(layername).style"; iestyle = ""; offsetH = "window.pageXOffset"; offsetV = "window.pageYOffset"; } else if (navigator.appName == "Netscape" && navigator.appVersion.charAt(0) >=4) { leftH = ".left"; topV = ".top"; nndoc = "document."; iestyle = ""; 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