日本コロムビア 1997年9月3日(水)発売 \525(税込)/CODA-1326

As I break it down,
I hit you up with the four pound.
From miles around you can still hear the raw sound.
It's on now a funky style is born now.
From dust to dawn the weak M.C.S.
I break 'em down.
Coming through to put you on.
Like a storm then I'm gone.
I got it going on just like my man Brother KORN.
It won't be long.
Was the title of the last song.
But now It's 97 and my crew still stands strong.

猿岩石のある暮らし / ご意見・ご感想・猿岩石情報

ねっと飛々 村田 崇 takashi@air.ne.jp