猿岩石クイズ 〜 1999年度 文化女子大学付属
杉並高等学校入試問題 Q1

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Two young comedians, Ariyoshi and Moriwaki(Saruganseki), traveled
from Hong Kong to London for a TV program. They tried to hitchhike
all the way. They didn't have enough money, so they had to find jobs.
They washed dishes in Thailand and put on karate demonstrations in
Myanmar. They were often hungry and thirsty. In Vietnam, they
did'nt have anything to eat for three days. They couldn't take baths
every day.
Sometimes they had to sleep outside.
Some parts of their travels were‘made' for the program. For example,
Saruganseki took a plane in piaces dangerous to hitchhike, but the
trip was broadcast as if they hitchhiked all the way. Still, the
journey meant a lot to them. (《1》) they arrived in London, they
said,“Many people were kind to us. Now we'll be kind to others.”
“We won't waste water, food or money”
Saruganseki became famous. Their travels were mentioned in TIME
magazine. The diary they 《2》(keep) during the trip became a
best-selling book. Is it because many young people want to do the
same trip themselves?

put on karate demonstrations in Myanmar ミャンマーで空手の実演をした
was broadcast as if〜 〜であるかのように放送された
Still しかし 
waste 無駄にする
were mentioned in Time magazine (世界的な)雑誌のタイムに紹介された

1 本文の内容と一致するように( )内に入る最も適切なものを1〜4から選び、記号で答えなさい。
1)猿岩石はテレビ番組の企画で香港からロンドンへと( )に出た。

  1. 卒業旅行
  2. ヒッチハイク旅行
  3. 徒歩旅行
  4. 優雅な観光旅行