are required to keep a maintenance log recording type and amount
of refuse burned. Upon inspection by citizen groups, not one of
the logbooks showed complete or accurate records. Gaps in records
are an infringement of regulations, yet the authorities have not
even offered guidance on this issue. The authorities have asked
the operators to remove plastics from the refuse to be incinerated.
But the disorderly heaps of refuse piled around the incinerators
are infested with plastic scrap. Obviously the operators are burning
materials not listed on their permits, and they are also under
suspicion of burning amounts exceeding the limits registered on
their permits. The official permit of one such facility states:
"Authorized to burn 8 tons per day (twenty-five 4-ton truckloads)."
Yet according to the logbook, the facility incinerates three times
that amount per day. Another facilitys operator has admitted
to regularly burning around twice the authorized amount. If
this is common practice....